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Most of our shows are for adults and are not suitable for children because of their complex content and length. Performances usually last about 1 hour 30 minutes (two sets of approx. 45 minutes each), plus interval. They are suitable for theatres, arts centres, festivals, storytelling clubs, colleges and any other venue that has a suitable space.

We aim to be flexible. Our technical requirements are as follows:

  • For most performances, a performing area at least 3m wide x 3m deep

  • An easily accessible power point for our own small music amplifier

  • Acoustics suitable for speech and live music. Amplification not usually required for smaller venues.

  • For larger venues, a sound system with attendant technician as required

  • Stage lighting is preferable but optional

  • Minimum get-in time is 1 hour; minimum get-out time is 1 hour


Fees: details available on request. Please contact us


Commissions and Collaborations

We welcome commissions and collaboration with other groups. Please contact us to discuss your ideas.




We also offer workshops in Bulgarian Storytelling and talks on Bulgarian myth and folklore. Please see our Workshops page for further information. Please contact us for fees.

Header image: "The Wind of Smiles," painting by Marina Bogdanova

“Ancient tales from the heart of Bulgarian myth and folklore...

A spellbinding mix of traditional storytelling, fascinating folklore and evocative music”

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